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Teacher Resources

Teacher Resources

Listed here are some resources that we might be able to use as teachers. There are a lot of different topics (some more controversial than others) that come up in our classes and we want to do whatever we can to help you as teachers have good resources to consult to give good, Biblically-faithful answers! 


Do note, we have a few shelves in the CPC office at church with teacher resources you can check out and read as needed. We try to look for books that are easy to read, Biblically sound and not too terribly long. The Bible is obviously the best resource, but a good book can go a long way in helping us understand what the Bible teaches, especially on tough subjects.

What We Believe

The ARP website has a section on "What We Believe" which details the stated position of our denomination on a number of topics of contemporary interest.

Governing Documents

The other section on Governing Documents gives access to the Catechisms and Confession of our church, which gives concise explanations of different matters of doctrine and practice. The Question and Answer format of the Shorter and Larger Catechism are particularly helpful!

Ligonier Ministries

Ligonier Ministries has a number of resources (many for sale, but LOTS for free) that come from a Biblically sound background. This link shows all the different topics one might want to consider as they come across different questions, but there is a lot of good stuff in the different places on their site.

CPYU (Teens)

The Center for Parent/Youth Understanding seeks to help parents, youth workers, educators, pastors and others understand and reach today's youth culture. This is a Session approved resource so we can be better equipped to help our teenagers navigate their faith in an increasingly hostile world. We would encourage you to subscribe to their FREE E-update.

Children's Ministry Basics

This video series is produced by Great Commission Publications. It is a great series to help us as we love and serve the children in our church. Topics include Nursery, Classroom Management, Planning, Ministry Teams, Teaching Preschoolers a Biblical Wordview and many others.

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Gastonia, NC 28052