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Family Ministry Blog

You’re NEVER alone: The Best Resource for Family Ministry

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At the end of the day, the Bible is where our focus should be in our ministry with and to our family. Early on there are general truths and landmark Bible stories that form a foundation in a young mind in a way that leading a toddler through Leviticus probably would not. Yet we should be conscious of how we can, even from a young age, make sure that we are putting the spotlight on Scripture and not just continually rebuilding a foundation of catechism and Bible story familiarity.

You’re STILL not Alone: More Resources for Family Ministry

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Last time we looked at a few resources that can be used for Family Ministry as we seek to serve and lead those in our families in the faith. There are so many good resources so that we don’t have to feel like we are doing it alone, but in truth we are never alone.

You’re not Alone: Resources for Family Ministry

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Remember that God is at work. Our efforts, however feeble they might seem to us, will bear fruit in our families. Bed-time or dinner-time? This book or that book? Catechism, or Bible verses, or just being glad no one lost their mind during prayer time? These things don’t ultimately make the difference. What really makes a difference is the fact that when we look at God’s Truth and study His Word together as a family, His Spirit is pleased to dwell with us and to bless us.

The Beauty of Church Family

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The church is a community that transcends age, race, class, and all else in the slow march of history. It will transcend and survive COVID-19 and whatever else follows.

Family Ministry in Practice

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Read the Bible, pray, and your family will grow. It might seem simple, and that’s because it is. You are certainly not limited to only doing these things, but they stand at the center of God’s promises as those means of His Grace that, when attended to regularly, produce the fruit that He intends. Songs, object lessons, catechisms, and other things can go a long way as well. But be encouraged – whatever you are doing, or will do, it is far better than being paralyzed by fear or uncertainty.

The Ideal Family Ministry Experience

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No matter how much or how little experience or confidence you have opening the Bible with your family, God will be deeply pleased with your attempts to do so. I am not always pleased with our efforts to get together as a family and seek God, but it is better that we stumble awkwardly on than that we give up because we have an unreasonable ideal in mind.

Family Ministry in a Pandemic

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As we reckon with the fact that many (perhaps most) of the churches are closing their doors for the good of their people’s health, we should ask ourselves: What Spiritual Food is my family getting in the meantime?

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Gastonia, NC 28052