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Appalachia Mission Trip

Every year our high school youth and dedicated volunteers attend Appalachia Mountain Mission, a mission trip organized by World Witness, the missions agency of the ARP. Attending with over 15 other churches, the Pisgah Youth alongside the local church serves and offers the light of Christ to the children of the Appalachian Mountain region.

"Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature."

For two decades, Pisgah ARP Church has partnered with the Wolfenbarger Chapel Missionary Baptish Church in Tazewell, TN during the Appalachia Mission Trip. Every year our team hosts a Vacation Bible School for the children of the area to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. 

In the evenings there is a time of large group worship for our Youth where they are strengthened for their week of service and encouraged in their walk of faith.

Loving Children

Each year our team hosts a Vacation Bible School for the church. We serve the children of the community and share the love of Christ with them.

Offering the Gospel

As Charles Spurgeon has said, “Getting children to meet in the morning and the afternoon is a waste of their steps and yours if you do not set before them soul-saving truth.”

Giving Hope

For over 40 years, the ARP Church has been partnering with churches in the Cumberland Gap community to bring the Hope of the Gospel to the children and young people who live there.

Become a Partner

Please prayerfully consider becoming a partner of the Pisgah Appalachia Mission Team. 

Prayer Partner

Prayer is powerful, and we need our brothers and sisters in Christ prayerfully supporting us. To help you in supporting us in prayer we have a Prayer Card that you can print and use.

Thank you for praying for our team, Wolfenbarger Baptist Church, and to the children and individuals whom God will allow us to minister to during our time in Appalachia.

Financial Partner

Each year our team raises around $13,000 to go on this trip and serve. We know all good things come from the Lord (James 1:17), and that He will provide a way if it is His will. 

If you feel led to become a financial partner of our trip, you can donate through Pisgah ARP Church. Please put “Pisgah Appalachia Mission” in the memo of any checks or selecting the “App Mission Trip Fund” if donating online

Here For You

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Where to find us

3600 Linwood Road
Gastonia, NC 28052