Pisgah Associate Reformed Presbyterian Church is but a part of the one Church set forth in the Scriptures. This Church in all ages is one and the same, and consists of those who by faith are in the Lord Jesus Christ, together with their children.
Who We Are
The message of the Church’s ministry is the message of reconciliation in Christ to the end that all people might be reconciled both to God and to one another. As a congregation, our purpose is to place corporate worship within the reach of all, to bring the lost to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, to support each other in the Christian faith and to prepare each other for Christian service. This occurs only by the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the fellowship and direction of the Holy Spirit.
Mission of Ministry.
Mission of Witness.
All that the Church says and does is to be a witness to Jesus Christ, God’s living Word, as He is spoken of in the Holy Scriptures, Gods written Word. As a body of believers in Jesus Christ, we are to present Jesus Christ to the world through preaching, witnessing, teaching, sacraments, worship and both individual and corporate Christian living and action. In all phases of living, we are to be God’s ministers to the world by being servants of His Son, the King of the Church.